Thursday, 22 January 2015


Posted By: Unknown - 11:49


& Comment

1. Gari and beans
Beans are a good source of fibre and
proteins for our body. But they also
contain a type of sugar that doesn’t
digest fast and causes bloating and gas.
We can all agree that a gassy and bloated
belly is not ideal for sex.

2. Goat / cow / sheep light soup
A tasty light soup may taste perfect when
going down your throat, but you might
want to reconsider your choice of meat.
Red meat is heavy and can take a long
time to digest. This will leave you feeling
sluggish and sleepy, which will surely
affect your performance in bed.
Chips aka. french fries are filled with
tran’s fats that can lower testosterone
levels and decrease blood circulation. They
also contain a lot of salt, which can make
it difficult for men with high blood
pressure to keep up a strong erection.

4. Kingsbite chocolate
Cocoa contains methylxanthines which
makes the skin sensitive to every touch,
but it can inadvertently make us letharg
Most folks think of ‘chocolate’ as an
aphrodisiac but, for my female patients,
chocolate makes them tired and I hear it
temporarily lowers their sexual drive and

5. Chewing gum
Okay, so it’s not technically a food, but it’s
important to know that while chewing gum
might give you kissably-fresh breath, all of
the air you’re swallowing while smacking
away may also give you gas. And that
could kill the mood no matter how minty
your mouth is.

6. Quaker oats
There’s no doubt that this breakfast meal
has a slew of health benefits. In fact,
oatmeal helps your body produce the
stress-reducer known as serotonin, a
moderate amount of which is good for your
sex drive. But having bowl after bowl in a
single sitting has the opposite effect,
lowering sexual desire. Plus, oatmeal’s high
fiber content also can lead to that
unpleasant, gassy feeling. Again, serving
up eggs should up your chances for A.M.

About Unknown

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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