Thursday, 1 January 2015


Posted By: Unknown - 05:58


& Comment

Naomi Watson, wife of Ghanaian actor
Eddie Watson has put across her sadness
on how Ghanaians reacted when her
husband was mentioned the winner for
Best Short Film at the recently held
Ghana Movie Awards. The actress cum TV
presenter defending her husband said
he deserved the award he won on the
night because he contributed his quota in
educating the public on the deadly Ebola
Expressing herself on instagram, Naomi
Watson thanked Ghana Movie Awards
organisers for honouring her husband.
She was also grateful to actress Juliet
Ibrahim who said few words to support
her husband when the room was quiet
after Eddie Watson was announced the
winner of the award.
“I say this not Cus he’s my
husband,but Cus its the
truth,This man Ryt here,sooooo
DESERVED his award,it was a
job done to impart ppl n try to
help the people who are in need
as Far as the deadly Ebola
outbreak is concerned,we live in
a world where good work is not
appreciated, good people aren’t
appreciated, n most people will
always seem to be the best to u
only when it serves their own
personal interest,
I was disappointed with the
response yestee nyt at the GMA
when he was called to be
awarded,I thought people or
“friends” are supposed to be
happy for their fellow friends in
their moments of glory or
success but Dats not how it is, a
big thank u to the GMA award
committee, who recognized n
appreciated him and to
@julietibrahim who had his
back and expressed her
dissatisfaction with what was
going on,
I don’t care abt what anyone
has to say n y’all haters better
keep ur comments off my page,
remember as u support ur
fellow friend with a gud heart
so will u also attract blessings
into ur life,God deals with the
heart, if ur not happy when ur
friend makes it n all u always
want is for everything to be
about u,its up to u,no one is a
competition for anyone in this
life,God has a spot for each n
everyone of us, Congratulations
to my hun @eddiewatsonjr ,I’m
ur biggest fan n will always root
for u my star”
Eddie Watson’s short film produced by
her wife, Naomi Watson beat King
Agokoli, Missing Mother, Ghana Police
and The Adventures of Kalybos to win
the best Short Movie Award at the 2014
Ghana Music Awards held on 30
December 2014 at the Accra
International Conference Center.
Yvonne Nelson threw her wait behind
Naomi Watson and commented on the
post “Tell them”.

About Unknown

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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