Friday, 8 July 2016


Posted By: Unknown - 02:50


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Ghana FA President Kwesi Nyantakyi has called on Premier League clubs to be proactive in securing sponsor instead of relying on the sponsorship packages from the FA.
He described sponsorship packages from the FA a support fund which is meant to cushion the clubs instead of running the clubs.
In an interview with Kessben FM, a reputable radio station in Kumasi, Kwesi Nyantakyi explained that it is good for the FA to support the clubs but the FA does not run the clubs for their owners.
“League sponsorship is meant to support clubs and cushion their efforts. The clubs must not solely rely on that for their day-to-day management,” he said.
“Clubs like Kotoko and Hearts have taken some steps but the others must follow. Even in the big European leagues, clubs have their own sponsors who give them huge money than what they get from their associations.
“Clubs must not work harder to move towards developing themselves while they wait for the support of the FA.”
Kwesi Nyantakyi’s call comes following the consistent threats by some Premier League clubs to pull-out of the ongoing league due to lack of sponsorship.


About Unknown

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