Tuesday, 13 January 2015


Posted By: Unknown - 02:28


& Comment

Gospel Musician Nicholas Omane Acheampong,
popularly known as “Tabitha Kum singer” has his
own style and unique way of dressing when
shooting his music videos.
Nicholas Omane Acheampong, who is fond of
using great biblical names for most of his song
titles always catches the glimpse of his fans as
they patronized the names and sing or dance
Apart from releasing 'Tabitha Kum' way back in
2008, he has not failed his fans by composing
new songs with names from the Bible to give
fans a highlight of the message.
Zaphenat Paneah, Yoo, Papa Didymus, Nymae
Sunsum, Biribi Besi, and Mahashala Hashbaz are
some of his great songs to thrill his fans.
In most of his music videos, Nicholas is noted
for using costumes that reflect the unique old
way of dressing in the Bible and as a way of
portraying the concept of his message in the
He has a unique haircut with punky life affair
which he has carried for a very long time in all
his music videos and anybody can easily
remember him.
Nicholas, in his music videos, is always seen
walking with a rod that has been inscribed with
keys words of his songs and often has men
following him like “Jesus and his disciples” in
the Bible.
Even though, his unique way of dressing which is
patronized by his fans may seem odd to most
people, it is his special way of bringing to bear
the message he carries in his songs.

About Unknown

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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