Tuesday, 14 April 2015


Posted By: Unknown - 23:00


& Comment

The Ghana Football Association has
launched a scathing attack on the ruling National
Democratic Congress (NDC) government for its
negligence and careless handling of official
documents, with media reports that the Brazil 2014
Commission of Inquiry report had leaked.
The GFA says the government communication team
must take full responsibility for its ineptitude and
mishandling of confidential documents. And the
nations football governing body has tasked
government to conduct "serious investigations" into
how the documents were leaked.
The Football Association says it is a "shocking
indictment" on the ruling government for how poor
it has supervised and secured official documents at
its quarters, with the football body expressing
grave concerns and fears that documents in the
custody of the Ghanaian government are not safe.
Recent media publications in the West African
Nation has claimed that the Brazil 2014 Commission
of Inquiry Reports which was submitted to
President John Mahama had been leaked, with the
Ghana Sports Newspaper first to publish sections of
the commissions recommendations.
But responding to the media speculations through
its official spokesperson Ibrahim Saani Daara, the
Ghana FA said it feels "targeted by the Ghana
government", describing governments decision to
leak documents involving the FA, as amounting to
witch-hunting on the body.
"There's a lot that should be said about this, but
on the merits and contents of it, if it is true, the
Ghana Football Association will respond
appropriately, Saani Daara told Citisports.
"It is a shocking indictment of the way documents
that have not been made public have been leaked,
for which purposes they've been leaked...I think
that government must be examining these things",
"From the World Cup era even before you present
your budget to the cabinet, it is always the case
that if its goes to the heart of government, it
becomes a leaked report",
"Who is doing that? for what purpose...I think
these things must seriously investigated by
government..it should be very very worrying for
government to have that all its documents that
have not been made public are being leaked left
right center, by who and for which purpose
government must be interested in doing this",
"If all documents that are not suppose to be public
are made public, Government should be worried.."
"This thing has gone on within the quarters of
government for far too long and it is directly
targeted at the Ghana Football association".
Meanwhile, the GFA has threatened to take legal
action against the Justice Dzamefe Commission if
indeed what has been speculated in the media is
what actually is in the report. The spokesperson has
vehemently exonerated the GFA from any wrong-
doing and insisted that the Association's hierarchy
will aggressively resist any attempt from
government to have them refund the 577,500 USD
distributed by co-efficient mentioned in the
leaked report.
“These are speculations. They are not the cast iron
reports we have received and I dont want to
believe that this is the commission’s report but if
they are true, the FA will respond appropriately.
"If this is the reports that we are seeing, we will
have to take a legal view to it...We are certain in
our belief that we did absolutely no wrong".
As things stand now we will not be able to say much
because reports suggest that they are leaks.
If this is really the report, we will have to take a
legal view to it because we cannot take this sitting
down we will not,”he added.
"As it is, we at the GFA feel the report was leaked
with the purpose of turning the tide against the
FA before even the official document is out",
"It should be worrying to government to note that
since the World Cup, when you send confidential
documents to the government, by the time you
realise it is out in the media".

About Unknown

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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